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Announcement of comments on the Draft for soliciting Comments

All relevant units and individuals:


With Zhejiang Dunan Artificial Environment Co., Ltd. as the main drafting unit, the two "Made in Zhejiang" standards drafted, "Low noise direct acting electronic expansion valve for air conditioning" and "micro-channel condenser for air conditioning equipment", have been standard discussed and the draft for comments has been formed. According to the relevant requirements of the "Regulations on the Management of Group Standards" (National Standards Committee Federation (2019) No. 1), the public is now soliciting opinions on the two standards, and the soliciting time limit is May 1, 2021 - June 1, 2021. Please kindly ask all relevant units and individuals to feedback the "Standard Soliciting Comment Form" to the mailbox within the soliciting time limit: liujun3@dunan.cn, if overdue, no comment will be considered.

Annex 1: "Low noise direct acting electronic expansion valve for air conditioning" standard solicitation draft

Annex 2: "Low noise direct acting Electronic Expansion Valve for Air conditioning" standard preparation instructions

Annex 3: "Micro channel condenser for Air conditioning equipment" standard draft for comment

Annex 4: Specification for standard preparation of "Micro Channel Condenser for Air Conditioning Equipment"

Annex 5: Standard Request Form

Annex to announcement.zip


April 30, 2011

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